Connie A. Lujan has over 20 years of experience in the research and development of medical and non-surgical hair restoration. She has performed over 23,000 procedures on men, women and children, in addition to training hundreds of new hair
restorationists. Her expertise extends from there more common Androgenetic Alopecia (male pattern baldness) & Alopecia
Areata, to the more complicated chemotherapy.
Throughout the years, Connie Lujan has propelled herself to be one of the industry's most acclaimed leaders in the hair restoration field today. Continuing in her dedication to correcting abnormal hair loss, Connie has established a center for individuals suffering from the effects of abnormal hair loss. With her ongoing success, Mrs. Lujan has received hundreds of letters from
clients and from family members thanking her for her graciousness and God-given artistic ability to give back what nature has unfairly taken away.
310-575-HAIR Fax: 310-575-4228
Postal address: 11271 National Blvd Los Angeles CA
90064 map General information:
[email protected]
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comments about this web site.
Last modified:
February 05, 2013